Category: Social Selling

What is ContentBias? featured image
Social Selling
Luke Tew

What is ContentBias™?

ContentBias™ is how you use content to get in front of the right people and inspire belief in you and your products. Here are a few fundamentals to ContentBias™. Leveraging

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Setting A Social Selling Foundation featured image
Social Selling
Luke Tew

Setting A Social Selling Foundation

Salespeople often take social selling at face value and see it as a purely transactional affair. But, the benefits and the long-term results speak for themselves. In setting a sturdy

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What Is Social Commerce featured image
Social Selling
Luke Tew

What Is Social Commerce?

Most business owners will already recognise and understand the value of e-commerce, selling products online. This process has helped many businesses stay afloat during a time when social contact, meetings

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Keeping The Social In Social Selling featured image
Social Selling
Luke Tew

Keeping The Social In Social Selling

In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, people all over the world have been forced to maintain distance and adapt to socialising virturally. However, for salespeople who’s jobs rely on

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