New Features For LinkedIn Pages

LinkedIn has recently announced plans that will offer company pages more features than ever. There were three main features announced. These include LinkedIn ads, articles for pages and LinkedIn live events. 

The site is hoping that by adding these features companies will be able to engage better with their audiences. Improving the value of their pages on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Ads

According to LinkedIn, there have been three main updates to the LinkedIn Ad service. This helps companies build their brand and reach their advertising goals as well as to measure and report their results. 

The three features are: 

Reach Optimisation – 

This will allow companies to optimise their advertisements for a defined number of LinkedIn accounts. This means companies can be confident that their adverts are being shown to the right audience. Rather than being pushed out to the wrong person multiple times. 

Brand Lift Testing – 

This feature looks at measuring a brand’s perception. Allowing companies to measure the impact of their advertisements on their brand by testing the effectiveness against key metrics that have been gained through a baseline report. This will benefit brands when it comes to seeing what works and what doesn’t. 

Frequency Forecasting and Reporting – 

This forecasting tool will allow companies to see an estimated reach and frequency for their advertising campaigns. This will help when planning brand awareness campaigns and will work with the campaign manager feature to provide accurate and informative reporting. 

Articles For Pages

If you’re on a LinkedIn personal page you can share long-form content such as articles. Company pages have suffered due to the limits of post length and type.

Company pages have been restricted by features and character count. So, it’s difficult for them to post meaningful content for their followers. However, with LinkedIn’s new Articles for Pages, this is no longer the case. 

Not only can company pages now post articles and blog-style content. But, they will also be rewarded with detailed analytic information. This includes audience insights and firmographics so companies can assess the effectiveness of their content. 

LinkedIn Live Events 

The final new feature LinkedIn is adding to its site is a live event feature. It is combining its Scheduled LinkedIn Live and LinkedIn Events features to make them work better for companies looking to achieve a greater reach and engagement. 

This is called LinkedIn Live Events. It combines aspects from the two existing features such as live streaming and event planning. LinkedIn is hoping that by simplifying the experience more companies will be able to utilise the feature and host successful events. 

By using LinkedIn Live Events companies can now promote a live stream in advance to a specific audience. They can also generate views on the event page from users even if they have not clicked attend, notifying users when the page goes live, and share a replay of the event to further boost engagement. 

Future Features

While these features are much appreciated and anticipated by companies and personal users, LinkedIn can still go further to improve the service for their users. With the retraction of the stories feature, it will be interesting to see what other forms of content they encourage in order to promote personalities and encourage reach.


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