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The LinkedIn Top Voice Challenge

Let’s dive into the world of LinkedIn’s Top Voice and how it can elevate your profile. You’ve probably noticed those shiny badges adorning people’s profiles, and these Top Voice awards are more than just vanity symbols. They serve as a testament to your expertise and credibility. So we setup a LinkedIn Top Voice Challenge.

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What is a LinkedIn Top Voice Badge?

On LinkedIn, you can earn two types of Top Voices badges for your profile: the exclusive blue LinkedIn Top Voice badge, which is by invitation and highlights senior-level experts and leaders, and the light gold Community Top Voice badge, which you can earn by making notable contributions to collaborative articles on LinkedIn, showcasing a specific skill on your profile. Read on to discover more about each badge and how they are awarded.

Foucing on the community Top Voice badge is simpler for business owners and contributors without a large platform. It’s a special recognition given to people who consistently share valuable insights on the platform. It shows that you’re an expert and stands out in your field. This badge is a clear sign that you make a positive impact on LinkedIn, helping you gain credibility and distinguish yourself from others. But, you can also be knocked off the top-spot if you don’t consistently provide valuable insights on the platform.

What is the benefit of being a top voice?

Becoming a LinkedIn Top Voice comes with a multitude of benefits that can significantly boost your professional presence. When you earn this prestigious badge, you’re not just receiving a token of recognition; you’re gaining a powerful tool to showcase your expertise and credibility. This badge serves as undeniable social proof of your knowledge and insight, making you stand out in your industry. Moreover, it sets you apart from competitors on the platform, enhancing your visibility and authority. By participating in our Top Voice Challenge, you can unlock these benefits in just 30 days or less, ensuring that you not only attain the badge but also retain it as LinkedIn’s Top Voices become increasingly sought after. Don’t miss the chance to establish your authority and be recognized as a leader in your field – join our challenge today and reap the rewards of being a LinkedIn Top Voice.

These badges are not handed out randomly; they’re a recognition of how valuable and insightful your contributions are to the LinkedIn community. They provide social proof that you’re a knowledgeable voice in your field because others find your input valuable.

So, it’s not just about chasing a badge; it’s about solidifying your authority and setting yourself apart from the competition on this platform.

Taking the LinkedIn Top Voice Challenge

Now, here’s the exciting part – we’re launching a challenge for October and November to help you achieve that coveted badge in just 30 days or less. We will guide you through every step of the way, provide regular check-ins, and furnish you with specific assignments to ensure you get that badge within the specified timeframe.

Currently, the Top Voice badges are relatively easy to attain compared to where they might be in six to nine months, as more and more individuals vie for them. This makes it crucial to secure your badge early if you want to maintain it in the long run.

If you’re eager to establish yourself as an expert in your field, to make your expertise unmistakably clear to the world, and to gain the recognition you deserve, then don’t hesitate to sign up for our Top Voice Challenge. We will not only help you obtain it within 30 days or less but also provide guidance on how to retain it.

Take The Challenge

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stand out and be acknowledged as an authority in your niche. Join our Top Voice Challenge today, and we’ll show you the precise steps to achieve and maintain your Top Voice status.


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