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Changing Your Name On LinkedIn and Why It’s Important

When it comes to LinkedIn the way you present your own name can be just as important as your job title or your headline. The best way to use LinkedIn is to be seen as much as possible by prospects. You want to build your network as much as possible, so this might mean you need to change your name on LinkedIn so people can find you much more easily. 

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Are Nicknames Too Confusing? 

I have a friend who goes by his middle name as he was named after his father. Sucks to be the dad but we all know Ben is Ben and never call him by another name. If I went to search for my friend on any social media platform I’d look up Ben. I wouldn’t use his birth-given name at all. So if Ben suddenly changed his name online I’d never find him. 

This exact scenario can be played out hundreds of times online with Alex going by Alexander and Richards going by Richy. The point is to go by the name people know you by. Otherwise, you become undiscoverable on the platform. 

Drop The Middle Name 

If you’re looking to increase your search appearances a great tip is to drop your middle initial or name on LinkedIn. The closer to the result the better. If the prospect in the outside world would search for you using the middle name attached, then by all means add your middle name. Otherwise, it’s best practice to drop your middle name to help search for appearances. 

The same principle applies when you have multiple credentials. PHD, DipLCM, or whatever you have achieved can be placed within your profile sections for experience, but leave them out of your name if you want people to have an easy time searching for your profile. These added credentials at the end of the name will have an effect on the search results of your name and may even push you out of the search results entirely with enough of them. 

Your name on LinkedIn may seem like a simple thing, much like writing your name on the top of a test paper, but thanks to social media there are bots in place. This means understanding how they work and doing your best to make sure your profile isn’t being punished for something simple. 

The easiest way to change your name on LinkedIn is by heading over to your profile and clicking the pencil tool below the header image. Write your name, drop the additional letters and click save. 

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