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The One Million Mission

Our mission is to equip one million businesses

to get clients to grow faster & spend less time selling

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Global leader in Social Selling

Founded in 2014 by Dean Seddon, our organization was born from a vision to empower one million businesses to attract clients, accelerate growth, and reduce the time spent on selling. This mission drives everything we do, guiding our approach to training and consultancy.

Through a comprehensive range of courses, personalized coaching, and expert consultancy services, we are proud to equip over 2,500 businesses and 50,000 business professionals globally every month. Our impact extends across multiple continents, with offices strategically located in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Europe. This international presence allows us to deliver tailored support and resources that help businesses of all sizes thrive in today’s competitive market.

As we continue to expand, our commitment to helping businesses achieve their full potential remains at the heart of our work. Whether through our innovative training programs or hands-on consultancy, we strive to provide the tools and knowledge necessary for sustained success.

Get Clients, Grow Faster and Spend Less Time Selling

We provide courses, coaching and consultancy that equip people with the tools, methods and strategies they need to get clients, grow faster and spend less time selling.

Solopreneurs – leverage personal brand and social selling to build an awesome business. 

Sales Teams – Sell more, sell faster, sell better, by harnessing social selling to hit their targets. 

Senior Leaders – Leverage thought leadership, build their personal brand and extend the reach of the companies they represent.

We do this through proven structured methods that are, Organic, Authentic, Human Without playing a numbers game. 

If you are a…

Small Business Owner, Sales Leader or a Senior Executive, schedule a call with the Maverrik team to start your journey and leverage your online presence to success.

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