Why YOU Can’t Use Lead Generation on LinkedIn

The view on LinkedIn for business can be quite varied. Some don’t really believe in its potential, whilst others believe it can generate leads, but can’t do it right This article is for these people. To answer the simple question. Why can’t everyone utilise it for generating leads for business? 

There are a lot of different ways that you can utilise LinkedIn for lead generation. Some of these ways include using LinkedIn to promote a new product or service, using it as an additional sales tool, or promoting your brand on it. In order to do these things, you will need to know how you can get the most from it. 

You Aren’t Connecting

LinkedIn connections shouldn’t be a precious collection you’re apprehensive with growing.  Don’t create a secret club for you and your friends. You need to connect with people who are interested in your business and products. LinkedIn is a great way to find new people interested in your business and products, not old clients. In addition to this, if you have any previous clients that you can contact with, they will become a great resource for recommendations. This is another great way to gain new clients. You can make them aware of all your latest offerings and connect them with your new contacts.

Closing Off Your Profile 

Another great way to utilise LinkedIn for lead generation is by creating an open profile. If you have a small business, you wouldn’t close your doors and draw the blinds. Your profile is your shop front. LinkedIn is a social networking site that allows you to create a profile that contains a variety of different topics related to your business. By creating a profile, you can promote your business through anything you do.

Joining The Wrong Groups 

When it comes to social selling, you should make sure that you are using LinkedIn to promote your brand. One great way to do this is by using groups. Groups are LinkedIn’s way of gathering people with similar interests and goals. With groups, you will have access to more people that share the same interests as you, but you shouldn’t just join groups of competitors. Find local groups of business owners and decision-makers that would be interested in your business and engage with them in the groups. 

LinkedIn for lead generation is one of the many tools that you can use to market and promote via social selling. With the use of these methods, you will have an easier time reaching out to a lot of people. When you use them just like everyone else however LinkedIn is just another social networking website. Make sure that you utilise this social networking site to your fullest advantage. So if you’re connecting with the wrong people, joining the wrong groups and closing off your profile, you’ll never get anywhere. 


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