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Three Things That Your “About Us” Section On Your Company LinkedIn Page Needs to Include

The ‘About Us’ section on your company’s LinkedIn page is, essentially, where the magic happens. It’s where you sell your business to prospective customers before they make it to your posts and activity. So, it’s pretty important that you get it right. There are lots of things that you could include your ‘About Us’ section, but these three things are sure to boost engagement and bring those customers in. So, if you want to find out what these three key things are, keep on reading…

Growth Titans

The 3 W’s

At the end of the day, your About Us section needs to tell your company story. No matter how long or short, simple or complex, that’s what this section of your LinkedIn company page needs to do. You need to help people see the same value of your product or service that you see. So, how do you do it?

With the 3 W’s, or the six basic questions. These are:

  • Who are you?
  • Where are you based?
  • What do you offer?
  • What are your values?
  • What is your brand voice?

These 3 W’s form the very basics of your business, so these should be simple to answer. This information forms a good bulk of the essential facts that prospective customers are looking for when they find your LinkedIn company page, so it’s imperative that your About Us section answers these questions. It’ll tell your company story and keep them scrolling down your profile for more, too. 

Keyword Central

You should know by now that whilst posts with images, videos and graphics will hook a prospect, it’s your words that will reel them in. And, you need to reel them in at the very first chance you get. 

So, how do you do it? Optimisation. 

To create an optimised ‘About Us’ section on your company’s LinkedIn page, you should create a tightly worded paragraph (around 2,000 characters or less) that tells your prospects everything they need to know about your company. It’s best to use simple and accessible language to ensure that everyone understands what your company stands for. A great way to do this is through researching keywords that are aligned with your business goals – that’s a sure way to ensure that your ‘About Us’ section stays relevant. 

Don’t Stray From Your Brand

Whilst you’ve done all of this, it’s important to remember that this is your company page. So, every part of your profile must stay on brand. 

If you’re sat there thinking ‘that’s easier said than done’, don’t worry. It’s all about staying connected to your overall brand and vision. To do this effectively, use wording that’s familiar to your brand, and thus, your audience. This creates a welcoming and friendly feeling for your prospects and contributes towards building a relationship with them. Another top tip is to include your slogan if you have one. This also helps to bridge the gap between your company and your customers in a fun, friendly way. 

So, how do you do it?

On your company page, click ‘Edit Page’. Click ‘Overview’ on the left-hand side. Here, you can write your description and change any information if necessary. Then, once you’re done, you can click ‘Save’.

Marketing your business on LinkedIn is the best way to bring in B2B leads. So make sure you’re telling the right story with your brand.

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