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The 2023 Guide for Successful Social Media Headers

In 2023 Social media headers will be important for your impressions online. So, it’s important to get them right. Headers showcase other aspects of your company or personal branding. Visuals are always great for creating interest on your page, so why wouldn’t you take advantage of this feature? 

On your personal profile, people will look at your profile picture and see your header above it. This is a great way to showcase your company and the benefits of choosing you over your competitors. Social media headers are important to get right, otherwise, your brand can really suffer.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t use your header to bombard people with information about your company. A musician’s header will also probably be more creative than a lawyer’s, so think about your target audience and the industry you are in. 

LinkedIn Assessment

Here’s the issue though, bad sizing or pixelated headers will damage your impression. 

You have spent ages creating a header only to find it ruined by the platform’s formatting. 

Great, back to the drawing board to resize it, but now you hit another roadblock…

None of the sizing recommendations you have found online is consistent. 

Too many people find the wrong dimensions for their social media headers. Some may give up and use what they have, and others will be left on Google for ages feeling confused and frustrated. 

Here’s the reason why…

The sizing examples you have found aren’t correct. 

You will notice that LinkedIn for example will crop this ‘recommended’ size down. 

Sprout Social also have found this as it is tricky to find something that will fit. 

We have compiled the EXACT dimensions for LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube for your company and personal profiles, but the final image size may be different to the upload size. 

Our best advice to combat this is to place the banners on the platform to test them. Not all the platforms will crop or change the dimensions, so use these dimensions and be prepared to add a little safety space. We suggest adding this space if it is needed and keep the information in the centre so it will not be cropped out of your banner.


LinkedIn has different dimensions for the personal and company headers. Here is a helpful guide to changing your header on LinkedIn.

Personal Profile

Company Page 

For your personal profile, you can have a logo or strapline stating what you can provide as a company, but try and keep it about you and don’t over-promote on your personal page. Promoting your company is what your company page is for. Both banners should be colourful, engaging and represent a unique side of your personal or company brand. Also, ensure no words are lost behind your profile photo!


Unlike LinkedIn, Facebook has the same dimensions for a page/event as your personal profile. 

However, you need to take into account that your personal profile picture will cover a section of your banner. Also, think about having images of your team over your products to bring a human feel to your company page. 




In 2023, having engaging social media headers will be important and add a professional and inviting atmosphere to your social media. 


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London | November 26th 2024