LinkedIn Company Page Content Ideas

When it comes to LinkedIn content, knowing what to post on your personal page can seem like a challenge in itself, so what content should you post on your LinkedIn company page?  It’s easy to get into the habit of only sharing promotional content around your products and services, but people buy from people so how can you build trust behind your page?  Here are just a few company page content ideas you can leverage to enhance your page… 


First off, video! 

Video has been growing in popularity on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, and LinkedIn is no different. 

The beauty of a great video is that it is much more attention-grabbing than even the most finely-crafted headline. 

On LinkedIn especially, videos are currently considered highly in the algorithm, meaning they have a better chance of reaching the top of your connections feed. 

They can be a great way for companies, especially B2B, to reach and engage with their audience, boosting both professional and personal brand.  

But, like most things on social media, for a video to perform well, it needs to be done right. 

Just a few tips:

  • Even if the video itself is captivating, you need to make sure your caption is relevant and draws in your connections’.
  • Keep the video short, to avoid your connections losing interest. 
  • 97% of people watch videos without sound, so always use subtitles. 
  • Include a call to action, whether it’s a simple ‘save’ or ‘comment’ – If someone’s taken the time to watch your video, they’re often willing to interact. 

Poll Your Audience 

If you’re active on LinkedIn, the chances are you’ve seen a fair few polls floating around on your feed. 

If you aren’t already utilising them on your own LinkedIn company page, then you’re certainly missing a trick. 

Polls can be one of the best ways to gain insights from your connections and get conversations started with potential prospects. 

Just make sure you’re asking questions and offering choices that will help your own marketing efforts or are more likely to create those discussions in the comments. 

It’s a simple feature that can massively help increase activity on your page, and engaging with your audience through interactive content provides more opportunities to build up the all important business relationships. 


We all know short form posts are quick and easy to produce and can be an easy way to drive traffic to websites, blog posts and other platforms, but are you taking advantage of one of LinkedIn’s popular features – LinkedIn Articles? 

LinkedIn articles give you the opportunity to share long form content that showcases expertise and authority through more in-depth posts. 

Similar to a short post update, an article is published straight to your LinkedIn profile. 

But, not only does an article obtain more dwell time due to the additional length, resulting in more time spent on your company page, LinkedIn articles are searchable in Google. 

Meaning that publishing articles improves your chances of reaching new audiences beyond your current connections, creating more exposure and bringing in new potential leads straight to your company page. 


Does your company page have a newsletter?

A LinkedIn Newsletter is similar to LinkedIn articles in that it’s long-form content but it provides opportunities for even greater visibility through a subscription list. 

Once you’ve created a newsletter, users on LinkedIn have the ability to subscribe to your newsletter so that each time you publish a new post, your subscribers will receive a notification via email, increasing the likelihood of more readers. 

When you start creating valuable content your audience considers a reliable source of information, it can start increasing your brand recognition and position yourself as an industry leader, keeping your brand top of mind. 

The catch? 

Newsletters are only available once your page has more than 150 followers and you’ve demonstrated a record of publishing a good amount of original content. 


Your LinkedIn company page is the perfect place to promote your brand, but not every post should be about your business. 

It’s important to build up trust with your audience so create discussions on your page, share valuable content and deliver unique perspectives that place you top of mind. Use these company page content ideas to start building that crowd.

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