Why You Need to Keep Your Company Page Active on LinkedIn

Great, you’ve got your company page on LinkedIn all set up. Now what? Let it gather dust? Que the tumbleweed? No, you need to keep your company page active and post regular content. Otherwise, all that work that’s gone into perfecting your company page has gone to waste. So, here are three reasons why you need to keep your company page active on LinkedIn.

Growth Titans

Build A Credible Social Presence 

One of the most important parts of business nowadays is social media. Whether you’re an eCommerce brand or not, it’s essential to have a presence online that’s reliable and accessible. It helps to engage with your customers to build a relationship with them, which in turn, boosts brand loyalty. 

LinkedIn is a great place to do just that. For instance, when you’re thinking about choosing a brand to work with or a company to hire, you want to see the good things that others have had to say about the company and expert advice. So, why shouldn’t it be the same for your company? You can share testimonials and recommendations from previous clients which can sway any prospective customers to click that ‘Message’ button.

Creating shareable content that benefits your audience, improves the awareness of your company and engages with others is a sure way to build a credible social presence on LinkedIn and is a great reason to post on your company page.

Drive Traffic Elsewhere

Don’t get me wrong, having an established LinkedIn presence is great and all, but it boasts a lot of opportunities to build your brand off of the platform too.

Your company page allows you to link directly to your website or other social media platforms. So, as you write relevant blog posts, share content elsewhere or create useful landing pages on your website, you can share these links through your company’s LinkedIn posts. This is a great way to build your presence on the platform, but also drive some of that traffic elsewhere.

Consumers love having a clear route to follow. So, the next time you create a post, try adding a call to action with a link at the end. Something like: ‘Want to find out more about this? Check out our website below for more information…’ This will be sure to ramp up those website views to an audience that may not have found you beforehand. It’s a win-win if you ask me.

Keep Your Personal Brand Separate

Let’s face it. Your personal and professional lives are going to collide. It’s unavoidable – especially if you’re the face of the company.  But, it is possible to separate them and utilising your company’s LinkedIn page is a great way to do so. 

By ramping up your business-focused posts on your company’s page, you’ve got the room to talk about the things that are important to you personally on your personal LinkedIn profile. Now, I’m not saying don’t include personal achievements and interests in your company posts – you absolutely should do that. Personality goes on a long way on the platform. But, only if they’re relevant anecdotes or something that you can reroute back to your business. If you want to update your followers on your latest blowdry, that’s probably best found on your personal profile.

It’s easy to keep your company page active on LinkedIn. All you need to do is head to your company page, by clicking ‘Me’ and selecting your company. Then you can scroll down and click ‘Start a post’. Here, you can write your post and add any media. Click ‘Post’ and it’s that easy! You’re well on your way to building an active company presence on LinkedIn.

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