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What Custom Buttons to use on your company page Featured Image

What Custom Buttons To Use On Your Company Page

Custom buttons add a lot to your company page and how people interact with your company going forwards from LinkedIn. You can attach a lead magnet, drive traffic to your website, and book calls. There are a lot of possibilities. But, what custom buttons should you use on your LinkedIn company page? 

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How To Use Custom Buttons

If you head over to your company page and click edit page you’ll see Buttons under the head section. Toggle the button to On and your page will get a custom button. You can name your button: Contact Us, Learn More, Register, Sign Up, Visit Website. Then add your URL and click save.  

The Different custom buttons you can add to your company page

Now you can add any URL to your custom button, but the name of this button is limited to the five options above. Here is what you attach to each name to maximise the use of your button. 

Contact Us

  • Add your website contact-us page
  • Attach a place to book a scheduled call with you or a member of your team. 
  • A landing page contact form

Learn More

  • Add your website about-us page
  • Bookable form for a discovery call with you or a member of your team. 
  • Your website homepage 
  • Link to a Youtube Showreel 


  • Add your latest event sign-up page
  • Customer intake form landing page 
  • A landing page contact form for a follow-up call 

Sign Up

  • An event sign-up page
  • A link to download your latest resource
  • A company newsletter opt-in page

Visit Website

  • Add your website homepage

Why Use a Custom Button? 

If all the information you want your audience to see is on your LinkedIn page, why direct them somewhere else? Well, it shows interest. The further down the rabbit hole someone goes with your brand’s profiles and website the more likely they are to become a part of your client list. You can track, manage and revisit your prospects a lot easier away from social media sites themselves. So you should try your best to move them onto your website and landing pages. Leading them to be a part of your email list or next event to move them further down the funnel.

You won’t get a lot of attention from your custom button alone, so you have to make sure you’re using all the tools LinkedIn has to offer for your company page. The biggest resource is your content. Posting documents, videos and images to market your business as the source of knowledge in your field. Attracting more followers and turning them into fans and clients. 


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