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Accelerator Vs. Accelerator Live: What’s The Difference? featured image

Accelerator Vs. Accelerator Live: What’s The Difference?

With Accelerator Live back on tour, there are several questions past and previous Maverrik members may have. Maverrik offers an accelerator programme for business owners, sales professionals and entrepreneurs to generate business and make more sales. However Accelerator Live has the same goals. So what is the difference? 


Live Vs. Digital 

With live events back on the menu for businesses, we can enjoy going to an actual in-person venue and speak face to face with other professionals. Sure you can enjoy the comforts at home during a zoom or hangout, but attention can waiver. You can’t mute a person, or check your emails whilst talking to them. You could, but it’s quite rude and would come with a lot of feedback from the individual. This forces you to engage with the person on a deeper level and discuss an issue. 

The accelerator programme comes with a variety of different assets which will be available as workbooks during the live events which you can take home and review. The accelerator programme however offers a personal one to one call with host Dean Seddon to review your current process and point you in the right direction. There are Q and A’s throughout the Live versions as well, but the official accelerator programme takes a more personalised approach. 

Programmes Vs. Live Sessions

If you are new to training sessions they can be delivered in a variety of ways. A one day workshop that runs you through the entire methodology from start to finish. Or programmes that work alongside you over a longer time. There is no right or wrong answer, it depends on your learning style. The live sessions will always be updated with information added as tools and algorithms change, just like within the accelerator programme. 


The Accelerator programme is a 3-month course where Dean and the team review your process and take actionable steps to achieve your goals for the programme. The live version puts all these strategies into action in one intensive session. All the practices, refined processes and guidance is announced, taught and can be implemented upon leaving the session. Accelerator Live is about as intensive as the programme, with step by step guides without the dedicated hand-holding to ease you into your new social selling life. 

Which is better for me? 

If you’re looking for a process where we work with you then you need the accelerator programme. If you’re looking to learn and take action in one day attend Accelerator Live.

Those new to the Maverrik social selling world would benefit from attending our live events as you can meet the team, Dean and complete our workshops throughout the day. No matter how much you know about LinkedIn, social selling or internet tools in general you will learn something new which will greatly benefit your business. Whether it’s a new approach to an outdated process that is eating away at your time. Or a change in mindset that will lead to greater results with the techniques we teach you. 
As always it’s best to contact the team at [email protected] to clear up any confusion.

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