If you lead a busy life, you most likely rely on a calendar. Whether it’s on your phone, in a diary or hanging up in your kitchen with pictures of firemen holding baby animals each month (just an example, I’ve definitely never owned one of these). The point is, we need our day to day lives mapped out somewhere, otherwise, an important phone call, meeting or even a lunch date will inevitably slip into the “forgotten pit” deep in our minds. Similarly, if you’re using social media for your business, there’s a lot to remember and think about each day, from the content you’re posting, to the engagement and analytics. Having a social media content calendar is vital, and I’m here to tell you why…
First thing’s first, what is a social media content calendar? They can range from a spreadsheet to a software service or even a physical calendar if you want to do it the old fashioned way. There’s no right or wrong way, however, opting for an online calendar or app could equip you with extra organisational features. Having a social media calendar can benefit just about anyone, whether you’re a global brand with a big following or a small startup business.
So, what are the benefits?
1. Save valuable time
2. Keep up consistency
3. Never miss a date
Have you ever posted content and then realised it’s actually National Cookie Day (4th December if you were wondering) and you could’ve posted something epic? It’s happened to the best of us. Luckily, when you’ve got a social media calendar you can schedule in relevant content and never miss a special event again. Even if you somehow forget that December 4th is all about cookies, you have enough time on your hands to come up with something on the spot, because the rest of your social media is already planned. It also means that you can cover any breaking news that is relevant to your business, without having to feel stressed because you don’t have enough time to post it.
4. Up your strategy
5. Better content
There’s no shortage of content out there to choose from. However, there’s also a lot of people competing to have theirs seen, so somehow you’ve got to stand out. This means you might have to stray away from having too many cute dog videos (I personally love them) and opt for something that’s crafted and tailored to your target audience. Creating quality content can be time-consuming and sometimes require various team members to produce it. If you’re using an online social media calendar such as Hootsuite, you can delegate responsibilities to different team members allowing you to work as a team and monitor what individuals are working on.
As you can see, there are many benefits to having a social media content calendar. Not only will it save you from the stress of scrambling to find a motivational quote on a Monday morning, but it frees up your time to focus on other important aspects of your business that could become neglected if you’re trying to keep up with social media every day. However, if you’re still finding yourself struggling to fill in your calendar and keep on top of your social media, why not put it into the hands of someone else? I’ve heard Maverrik have an amazing team for that…