Understanding Your Post Metrics on LinkedIn

Your post metrics on LinkedIn can mean more than you think. If you don’t understand how well your posts are performing on the platform you might as well be posting anything and everything that you think works. The downside to not knowing how well you’re performing is the inability to refine your approach. Here are a few things you need to understand about your post metrics. 

Where do you find your LinkedIn Post Metrics? 

To get started head over to your profile, scroll down and click on the “See all activity”  tab under the Activity section. Next, click on posts and you’ll see your most recent post. 

Here you will see how many views your latest post has received. Click on the number of views and your metrics will appear. You will see which companies have viewed your content, what their titles are and where they are located. If your post is a video you will be able to see the title minutes the video has been watched and how many views it’s accumulated since you’ve posted it. 

Video post metrics on LinkedIn appear a little differently to other post metrics as you have the ability to see how long a user has watched your video and how many unique viewers you have. Unique viewers mean different users, which is important as you could have a thousand viewers from a very loyal fan. But, this wouldn’t lead to much exposure or new prospects. 

Your post metrics will last 30 days from the date you posted, so make sure you’re continuously posting to increase your views, figures and network. 

So, Why Should You Care? 

Your post metrics will have all the information you need to see if you’re reaching the right people. If your target audience doesn’t match the industry, job titles or companies who are viewing your content, then you need to change your approach. If you have a slew of your competitors looking at your content this can raise a few problems you’re having with content. Your main goal should be appealing to new prospects and not bringing in unwanted attention from your competitors. 

A key reason this may be happening is your use of hashtags. 

Never hashtag your own industry. 

Even if your content is relevant to your industry itself it’s never a good idea to highlight this to your competitors. If they are providing the same services as you they will only use your content to find gaps in your offering and leverage this to make your prospects go to them. 

Don’t get Lost in the Numbers

Big numbers in your post metrics on LinkedIn are great to see. They give you that social media dopamine rush that comes along with high view counts. But engagement is where it really counts. Look at who is actually commenting and liking your posts. Don’t get caught up in your numbers and remember to take action. Follow up on pieces of content. Ask your network about your post, start a conversation off the piece of content and into your messages. Your content holds a lot of value and if you get caught looking at the spreadsheets and high figures you’ll become a media company rather than a social seller. If your goal is to become an influencer, perfect, use these figures to your advantage. If not, don’t obsess over them. Instead obsess over following up. 


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