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How to use LinkedIn to promote an event

The world of events has been at a bit of a standstill for the past few years, and with the uncertainty that we are currently facing, it has been a necessity that businesses adapt. Many businesses have chosen to host virtual and hybrid events so that they can continue engagement and conversation with their target audience. Some are finally beginning to have in-person events again. But when hosting these events, whatever medium they may take place in, they must be promoted to those who would reap the greatest benefits. That is why many businesses wish to understand how to use LinkedIn to promote an event, efficiently and effectively. 

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Building your Network to Promote an Event

You can’t have an event without attendees. In the same way, you can’t use LinkedIn to promote an event if you don’t have a network to promote it to. That’s why you must build a network of people that will be most likely to benefit from the knowledge and events you are offering. How do you start building your network on LinkedIn? Well, we have several articles available on this topic, but let me run down some of the basics. 

  1. Complete your LinkedIn Profile. No one wants to connect with a blank profile. 
  2. Be Visible. Engage with those in your industry and be a part of conversations. 
  3. Create quality content. Show your target audience that you have something to say about industries that matter to them. 
  4. Be selective. Invite those you’ve had a mutual engagement with, to connect. 

These are just some of the basics, but these points are still vital in building a network on LinkedIn. For more in-depth information, check out our other articles. 

Set Up an Event on LinkedIn

To learn how to use LinkedIn to promote an event, it’s important that you first know how to set up an event on LinkedIn. After all, how can you promote an event that doesn’t exist? So whether it’s a virtual or an in-person event, you need to ensure your event details are filled in accurately and as clearly as possible. 

  • Click the Home icon at the top of the page.
  • From the panel on the left side, click the Add icon next to Events.
  • Follow the instructions for each field in the Create an event window. It will walk you through your event details. Including dates, venues, speakers etc. It is quite self-explanatory.
  • Ensure you are clear about the content of your event, the itinerary and what people can gain from attending. 
  • Click the Edit icon on the upper-right corner to upload a cover image. You need to capture your audience’s eye and interest.
  • Click Done.

Share and Market your Event

To effectively use LinkedIn to promote an event, you want to begin the process no later than 15 days before the event itself. This gives you time to attract those who are most interested and create enough content surrounding the event to drum up anticipation and conversation.

After creating an event you can write about your event in the ‘What do you want to talk about?’ section and share your event with your network.

 To promote your event, you should consider doing the following. 

  • Share major event announcements – This ensures attendees are always informed and never forget about your event.
  • Post images and videos from previous, successful events – This can exemplify the benefits of your event as well as build trust with your new audience.
  • Promote networking opportunities at the event – The majority of people on LinkedIn want to use it to network, learn and progress their own businesses. Networking events can help them do this. 
  • Utilise your speakers’ and sponsors’ reach – The more the merrier. Ask speakers’ and sponsors to share your event with their own networks.

How to Use LinkedIn to promote an event- A quick-fire rundown

There are many facets of LinkedIn that you can use to promote your event, here are some of the best:

  • Posting about the Event
  • Joining relevant groups, engaging and non-aggressively promoting your event
  • Invite those who have an interest in your event, you have 1000 invites a week to utilise. Use them wisely
  • You can pay for a LinkedIn ad, boosting your event visibility.
  • Direct message connections you have built a relationship with, personally inviting them.
  • Direct message those you are not connected with using InMail to target prospects and those who will have the most relevant takeaway from your event. 
  • Engage. Engage. Engage. Be Visible

So those are the basics, so I’m sure you know exactly how to use LinkedIn to promote an event now.

However, if you’re still unsure, don’t be shy. We have a whole team of LinkedIn experts who’d be happy to help you find your feet. Now go and have an amazing event, we can’t wait to see you out there. 


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