How to use LinkedIn Skill Assessments

When it comes to job applications and CVs, it’s important to be able to identify your skills and how they can be valuable to potential employers. But it’s one thing to tell people that you have a skill, but to show it? That’s something else entirely. If only there was a way to prove your knowledge on a subject that employers can view on your profile. Oh, wait! That’s where LinkedIn Skill Assessments come in. They are a nifty way to give your skill claims more credibility. But if you’ve never used this feature before it could be a little daunting. But don’t despair! We’re here to teach you how to use LinkedIn Skill Assessments to the best of your ability. So the next time you want to showcase your skills, you can back them up.


What are LinkedIn Skill Assessments?

The LinkedIn Skill Assessments feature tests your knowledge of specific topics that you have listed in the skills section of your profile. Think of it as a quiz. A way to prove that you’re as good as you say you are. A typical assessment consists of 15 multiple choice questions, with each question testing at least one concept or subskill.

On average you have 1.5 minutes to complete each question and each test must be taken in one sitting. Presumably, this is to avoid any cheating or dishonesty. This must be quite reassuring for employers. 

These kinds of assessments aren’t mandatory but they could be just what you need to stand out amongst a sea of applicants with very similar skill sets. If you score in the top 30% for the Skill Assessment, you’ll receive a skill badge that can be displayed on your profile and in recruiter searches.

This Skill badge could be the difference between a successful application and a failed one. 

Who creates Skill Assessments?

LinkedIn Skill Assessments are curated by industry experts. Writers, instructors and authors write the questions. Whilst peer reviewers regularly provide feedback to improve the content. Meaning that the assessments are as up to date as possible. After all the requirements and needs regarding certain skills are constantly shifting, so it makes sense for Skill Assessments on LinkedIn to follow suit.

LinkedIn Skill Assessments: The ‘Need-to-knows’

  • 15 Questions to prove you are knowledgeable in the topic.
  • Must be completed in one session- ensures honesty from the applicant.
  • Each question is timed.
  • Assessments are curated by industry experts.
  • Adaptive testing is used to recognise your skill level, adjusting the questions you’re asked accordingly.
  • You may be suggested an assessment for a desired skill following a job application through LinkedIn.
  • You can retake an assessment once within six months. 
  • Not mandatory but a great way to make yourself stand out. 
  • Once you’ve completed an assessment you’ll receive an assessment report. 
  • You can view it at any time from the Skills page, under the Results tab. 

The Wrap-up 

I know what you’re thinking. That’s a lot of information to take on board all at once. But now you know how to use LinkedIn Skill Assessments, your career prospects have already been enhanced. 

If you know you have the knowledge to back up a Skill claim on LinkedIn why not go ahead and take a Skill Assessment. You never know how much of a difference it could make to a potential employer who might be lurking on your profile.

LinkedIn Assessment

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