How to Make Sales Through Email Marketing

Emails are a great way to drum up a new business. 

Email marketing technology is used by 82% of B2C and B2B businesses as stated by Ascend2

DMA also notes that the ROI of email marketing is 3800%. 

Email marketing is a great way to achieve higher rates of leads than over the telephone or content marketing. Phones and marketing are effective and crucial for businesses, but nothing is faster and more efficient than sending out templates to get more awareness for your company. 

So, how can you convert leads in your email marketing?


1 ) State Your Results 

This is one of the best ways to convince people to buy from you. People are used to marketers just telling them about their company and how great they are. It is boring and unbelievable. Demonstrating the results that someone can get is the way to go about email marketing. Think about what value you are adding to that person when they buy from you. 

What can you promise and complete as a result? 

In addition to this, add in a short time-frame for a sales call. This shows that you won’t take up their whole day. 

2 ) Be Helpful 

Your role is to solve your customers’ problems… otherwise, you haven’t got a business!

So why not write an email in the style of helping your potential lead? 

Writing an email along the lines of politely asking if you can share a helpful idea or concept is a sure way to get a response. Following up the email with a question for a call to action is also great. 

3 ) Make it Personal and Unique to You

Sometimes, the best way to get new leads is to stand out from the crowd. Think about your USP as an example. Your email marketing should be no different. Write the email in an informal and chatty manner if it suits your audience. If you are a more professional business, think about how you can make your email different to the template ideas above. 

Research the company you want to contact and see what kinds of things they post or interact with over social media. 

Humour is also a great thing to go for in email marketing as Lusha Blog points out.

4 ) Timing is Everything 

As Lusha blog states, emails between 5-6 am get a 37% open rate as well as an 8% response rate. Evening emails do the same on response rate at 8% and even better at 48% for an open rate.

Think about who you are targeting because different companies will have different schedules, which will affect their response rate. 

5 )  Following Up Is A Must 

Most people stop at the first email, but that’s only going so far. You need to make sure you are following up at least 2 or three times. 

Lusha Blog states that 80% of sales take 5 follow-ups to close!

So what imaginative templates could you send to those leads you need to close? 

If you need help warming up your leads over LinkedIn, check out our events

Many people believe that B2B email marketing is dead due to GDPR.

But, don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn how to win your next client. 

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