How to Create a LinkedIn Group Page

Haven’t you heard? LinkedIn groups are the place for professionals to be. More and more companies are creating their own LinkedIn groups to capitalise on having a contained audience.  

Entrepreneurs and big brands alike can utilise their groups to seek out advice or tips, share insights and experiences and overall, cultivate a valuable community. 


LinkedIn groups act like small hubs of similar professionals who may be part of the same industry or even just share similar interests. These groups are a great place to share your content, as well as offer solutions to problems that others are facing. Contributing to LinkedIn groups is a great way to build credibility for yourself and your business.

Ensure you’re the one starting these conversations and create a group on LinkedIn today.

1. Discover Groups

Locate the ‘Discover More’ tab on the left-hand side of your LinkedIn profile homepage, and click the ‘Groups’ button. Here, a new page will open called ‘Discover groups’, where you can then click ‘Create group’ in the top right-hand corner.

2. Add Information About Your Group

You’ll be presented with a new window, where you can alter the profile picture, the header, and information about the group. You can add the group name, as well as the description to let users know the purpose of your group. 

You can also add the industry that your group belongs to, as well as the location and any group rules. You can also toggle the group discoverability and permissions on or off here. 

3. Create!

Clicking ‘Create group’ will bring you to your brand-new group page. You can invite connections to your group, as well as manage and edit any information regarding your group. You’re also prompted to download LinkedIn content made especially for growing your community on this page.

Once your group begins growing traction, you can view your analytics on the right-hand side of this page, too.

Create a LinkedIn Group In 5 Simple Steps:

  1. Go to your LinkedIn Groups section
  2. Click Create group on the top right of the page.
  3. Add your group name, description and discoverability
  4. Click on the pencil icon to upload a group logo and cover image
  5. Click Create

Creating a LinkedIn group allows you to:

  • Boost your content reach
  • Demonstrate your expertise
  • Create new leads
  • Gain feedback
  • Solve problems

The ability to create groups on LinkedIn is a great feature of the platform and one that can certainly boost your engagement if utilised to its fullest potential. With a group established with the step-by-step above, you’ll be well on your way to growing your online community.

If you want to find out more tips and tricks on utilising some features of LinkedIn, then get in touch with us!

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