How to Build Your LinkedIn Company Page

A LinkedIn Company Page is difficult to grow. If you want to learn how to build your company page you need to get creative. LinkedIn predominately prefers to promote your personal page. As the largest social B2B platform online today it can really be biased against companies looking to promote their business.

There are a variety of ways to promote yourself and increase your following on LinkedIn.

Yet, not a lot of ways to gain traction within your company page.

So, what do you do if you want to grow your LinkedIn Company Page?

In this video, I will walk you through LinkedIn strategies you can use to grow your Company Page followers.

In this video, we go through…

  • How to Grow your Company Page Followers.
  • Finding content for your Company Page.
  • Tips on leveraging existing content for your LinkedIn profile and Account.
  • Build a company page that works.

Growing your page may be hard, but it’s not impossible and much like anything related to real business takes dedication. If you implement these simple strategies and keep up to date with the latest tools (which LinkedIn role out pretty regularly), you’ll ensure your business page is at the forefront of the platform.

If you still can’t build your LinkedIn company page to the level you are looking for, there are a lot more tutorials within our free training section which will give you everything you need. Everything you need to create a business without any upfront costs and even how to create and promote great content.


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