Why You Should Avoid Being Controversial On LinkedIn

Should you avoid being controversial on LinkedIn and social media? Who decides what controversial actually is? Well, the answer can be as simple or as complicated as you want to delve into, with freedom of speech facing off with the company’s own values and policies. So, for the sake of this article, we’re going to cover the policies and why you should avoid squaring off with them on LinkedIn. 

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What can’t you post on LinkedIn? 

There are a number of divisive statements you can make online. Whether it’s about heavier topics such as race, religion and politics or simpler ones like football teams, movie reviews and flavour opinions. Now, LinkedIn isn’t going to ban you for voicing your opinion on your views on the latest movie release, but if you’re stirring up hatred and animosity online they will intervene. 

Avoid posting anything that can be seen as harmful in LinkedIn’s terms of service which state:

“You agree to only provide content or information that does not violate the law nor anyone’s rights (including intellectual property rights). You also agree that your profile information will be truthful. LinkedIn may be required by law to remove certain information or content in certain countries.” 

A general rule of thumb across the board is to avoid posting 

  • Racism and discrimination against anyone
  • Politics (strong opinions that is seen as baiting arguments)
  • Religion (same as politics, offensive comments) 
  • Pornography (No rude images, videos or links)
  • Personal attacks (releasing personal information or attacks) 

Personal Attacks 

There seems to be a trend online where people will call out public figures, by taking screenshots of their posts or republishing their words. If it’s taken out of context you can have those posts removed. As well as posting any personal information of another person. This is called doxxing as is taken very seriously online. As harmful groups online can use that information to cause harm to that person. As a result LinkedIn and other social media sites have a duty of care to remove that information and ban the individual leaking the information. 

Don’t Stir Up Hate

Creating a mob is the last thing social media sites want right now. If you’re stirring up hatred they will be quick to remove posts that could incite violence. The push towards removing these posts was made after the January 6 United States Capitol attack where mobs were stirred up through social media and messaging platforms. Calling for violence online won’t end well for your account and you can be permanently banned from the platform. So, it’s best to avoid being controversial on LinkedIn.

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