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4 essential fundamentals for growing your business

It’s not enough to set up your LinkedIn account and wait for the leads to come to you. That isn’t how it works. You need a clearly defined strategy and that strategy can’t just be connecting with anyone who crosses your profile and pitching slapping them in their DMs. However, defining your strategy doesn’t have to include hours of arduous work that puts you off the whole thing before you’ve even really started. All you need are these 4 fundamentals of growth…

Growth Titans


Before you start connecting, before you start posting content, you need to have a clearly defined offer. Knowing your offer inside and out will help you develop a connecting criteria that will fill your feed with potential prospects. It will also make creating content more straightforward when you know what your focus is. The reason you need to outline your offer before anything else is to focus your LinkedIn efforts and build your confidence in your offer which is necessary if you want your clients to share this confidence. 


Knowing who your ideal clients are is about more than making sure you don’t fill your network with noise – profiles that will mask your content and profile from the people who really need to see it. It will also prevent you from working with clients that waste your time. Identifying prospects that will benefit from your service is great but that doesn’t mean these clients are always ready to accept your offer. It’s important that you can recognise the difference between prospects who might need a little convincing and prospects who aren’t willing to commit.


Understanding your offer and identifying your ideal clients will help you craft a compelling message. Your message is the reason you do what you do, it’s also the thing that will convince people to work with you. It’s easy to confuse your offer with your message and this is why a lot of business owners struggle to share relatable content with their audience. Think of your offer as the results you can help people achieve and your message as the reason you created this offer in the first place.

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Your success is the sum of all of the elements above. Of course, it’s success that grows your business but to achieve this success, you need to have all of the right ingredients. Use these elements to build your roadmap to success, view them as the necessary basics you need to optimise your selling and marketing efforts on LinkedIn.

If you’re ready to get serious about growing your business then consider becoming a Growth Titan. Growth Titans have access to multiple modules all aimed at helping you grow your business online, including one filled with over 20 lessons to master these 4 fundamentals of growing your business.

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Make More Money and Grow Your Business Online

London | November 26th 2024