10 Ways to Generate Leads on LinkedIn

Whenever I do a poll on LinkedIn about Lead generation it sparks a big discussion. We can’t live without leads, so how do we get them? In this article, I’ll break down the key principles behind all successful lead generation strategies and give you 10 practical ways to generate leads on LinkedIn.

The Three Pillars of Lead Generation

Whether you’re dipping your toes into the world of marketing or just curious about how to get people interested in what you offer, there are three golden principles behind successful lead generation you should know.

Let me break them down for you:


Ever wondered why a mysterious box in a room draws everyone’s attention? It’s simple. We’re all naturally curious creatures. The same goes for lead generation. If you create content or an offer that sparks curiosity, people will want to learn more, and that’s the first step to getting them to engage. We don’t convince people to make an enquiry, we make them curious to want to know more.

In some ways curiosity deliberately doesn’t give all the answers, it holds things back so a prospect will ask questions.

The Next Step

Imagine asking someone to run a marathon without any training – sounds daunting, right? The same goes for lead generation. Instead of trying to get your audience to commit to the entire journey, focus on getting them to take the very next step. If you want them to download a PDF, make that download button irresistible. Get them interested in just clicking it, and the rest will follow. Sell the next step.

We think about having to explain everything in detail, but that doesn’t work. Just help people see that clicking is something they should do – then explain why giving their email for access to a PDF is a great idea.


Think about the last time you booked a vacation. You were probably dreaming of the beach, the food, and the memories, not the plane’s engine or seating plan. When you’re trying to generate interest, focus on the end result, the dream destination. People are drawn to outcomes and how they’ll benefit, not necessarily every detail about how they’ll get there. Always remember: it’s the destination, not the journey, that sparks interest.

We’re all looking for an end result, so make sure you understand the end result you can give people and talk about it every day.

10 ways to generate leads on LinkedIn right now

1. Outcome-centric CTA

Don’t just ask, provide a vision. An outcome-centric CTA paints a beautiful picture of the end result. Include these in your posts and you’ll get more inbound leads.

HINT: Be known for the outcome.

2. Loaded Polls

You know those polls you see flying around? Time to make them work for you. Design a poll where your audience can voice their main concerns or challenges. Once you’ve got those votes, follow up. Offer them some practical tips on a call.

3. Go Live

If you haven’t hopped on the Live video bandwagon, what are you waiting for? It’s an impeccable way to nurture a devoted community and get leads. While you’re at it, sprinkle in some tips and advice, and don’t forget that crystal clear CTA.

4. Teaser Posts

Got a PDF guide that’s bursting with value? Share the first 3-4 pages on your social platform, and tease ’em a little. Let them know there’s more where that came from, and watch the comments roll in requesting the full version. You know what to do next – follow up!

5. Permission-based Message

Drop a note to your connections, ask if they’d like to receive PDF guide. A ‘yes’ means they’re interested. Share the PDF, then follow up after a few days.

6. LinkedIn Groups

I cannot emphasize this enough – LinkedIn Groups are where the action’s at. Repost your content in these industry-specific groups. It’s a straight path to decision makers who actually care about what you’re saying.

7. Social Proof

Everyone loves a success story. Post those testimonials across your social platforms. Show your potential leads that you’ve been there, done that, and have the t-shirt to prove it.

8. 5 People

Heard of this one on Facebook? Well, guess what, it’s dynamite on LinkedIn too. Announce that you have just 5 spots available. Throw in a link to your offer’s landing page, people will be curious and check it out.

9. How to Blogs

Showcase your expertise. Write ‘How to’ blogs addressing the pains of your audience. While you’re at it, strategically place a promo of your services or a CTA a couple of times. These are evergreen lead generation strategies. They don’t flood you with leads, but the more blogs you put out the more the consistent drip becomes a flow.

10. Partnerships

If two heads are better than one, imagine what a partnership can do! Partner with those who serve the same audience. Cross-promotion is the name of the game. Partner up and share your audiences and network. Repost each other’s lead magnets and do some joint lives or webinars.

The big problem

Most people really want the ways to generate leads on LinkedIn, but they get hung up on the process and mechanics to make it happen. Generating leads is not a one time thing, it’s a recurring activity to build your business.

If you haven’t got a system to generate leads behind your business, you’ll struggle to grow beyond the limits of your day-to-day hunting.

So, it’s important you see it as an essential element of your business.

If you’d like to generate leads consistently, my Accelerator programme will help you take action and get results, schedule a discovery call to learn more.

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