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Powerful lessons for introverted business owners

Introverted business owners exist. Not every person who starts their own business is a ruthless tycoon who steps on every and anyone to get ahead. That’s not to say that extroverted people are these kinds of business owners but there is a misconception that introverts cannot find the same success. You don’t need to be the loudest in the room or even the most outgoing to grow a successful business. You need to learn how to hone in on the skills and strengths that make you uniquely you.

Before we get into the powerful lessons for introverted business owners, it’s important to recognise what some of these strengths are. Everyone is different but if you are introverted then it’s likely that…


You’re a mastermind: This doesn’t mean you’re a supergenius who is smarter than everyone else, but it does mean that you take your time to think over decisions. You approach a problem or a task from multiple angles. While this can feel like overthinking, it usually leads to well-thought-out decision-making backed up with contingency plans. The slight hesitation means you don’t rush into something unprepared and suffer the consequences.

You’re a great listener: Okay, so you might not be the loudest in the room but that doesn’t mean you’re not in the room. While everyone else is competing to be heard, you’re absorbing all the information you need. It also means you’re equipped to really understand what your customers need. You have the skills necessary to step back and let others do all the talking while you store this information away to be utilised at a later date.

You’re a creative problem solver: All of this really adds up to you just seeing the world in a way other people don’t. People probably often say to you, “Why didn’t I think of that?” when you propose a solution. A life of needing to adapt to a world that hasn’t always favoured introverts has taught you how to navigate alternative routes to success. Using this skill as a business owner will have you flying past your competitors. 

So, what do you need to do to utilise these introverted strengths?

Focus on strength, ignore the numbers

There’s a common misconception that introverts have an aversion to people. The truth is many introverted individuals just find large groups (online or IRL) unsettling. Sometimes, it’s not even the number of people that is the issue but the energy it takes to communicate with them. Some people have large social batteries that allow them to network endlessly and make connections upon connections. Introverts with smaller social batteries are better off not attempting to make small connections with everyone who crosses their network.

It’s likely that you enjoy taking an interest in people as individuals and you can use this to build long-lasting relationships with other business professionals and your prospects. Use those listening skills to learn about the people in your network and find unique ways to connect with them. While your network might not be as big as others, you’ll have stronger relationships that are more beneficial. 

Lead by example

Something introverts tend to not enjoy is having a lot of attention on them however this doesn’t mean we don’t want to be heard. Instead of psyching yourself up to make life-changing speeches, lead through your actions. Many of you reading this might have been told throughout your life that you need to rise above being introverted, hide it even. It’s time to stop listening to those people and embrace the skills that help you to work in ways others don’t.

You don’t need to pretend you’re something you’re not to grow a successful business, so drop the ‘outgoing’ persona you’ve created to blend in with the rest. Not only is this projecting a false narrative to your connections but you are also needlessly adding pressure onto yourself. Embrace being an introvert, be honest and authentic – even people who can’t relate to your experience will respect it.

Learn to reflect, not lament

Goals are not something to be achieved and then forgotten. They help you reflect on past achievements and evaluate your strengths and areas where you can improve. For introverts, reflection is something we can find hard because we often only focus on the negative. Start focusing on the uniqueness being introverted lends you and how you can use this to overcome future tasks. Reflection is key to assessing your comfort level and finding opportunities to demonstrate your expertise and build your connections.

These opportunities can be found through small goals. If something feels too overwhelming or too daunting, break it down into manageable steps. Set yourself the goal of sharing an article every week or posting a short video to gain more confidence in the value you have to offer your network. The goals you set yourself may seem small but they are vital in overcoming obstacles you never thought possible.

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Recognise that you have value

Maybe you’re reading this and have never considered yourself introverted before. Either this article has helped you recognise something about yourself or left you a little confused. Many of the lessons above are not just for introverts, they are tips anyone can take away to build a stronger, more resilient business. The difference is that introverts already have a head start. So, to any business owner reading this, embrace your unique skills and use them to prove to people that you deserve to be heard as much as anyone else (literally and metaphorically).

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London | November 26th 2024