MAVERRIK Content Calendar – What To Post About In October

Crunchy leaves and pumpkin-spiced lattes are back…That’s right, it’s October! Have you prepared your content for the month? If not, you may benefit from incorporating some of these upcoming events – there are a lot of them. In order to maximise your reach and ensure that your content covers all bases, use this list of key dates to always be prepared. This is what to post about in October… 

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What’s coming up in October? 

1st October International Coffee Day – This is an especially important day for all you coffee-lovers out there. Have you got a favourite coffee of the month? A picture of some coffee art? Or, maybe you’ve decided to challenge yourself and go cold turkey (good luck)… 

4th October World Animal Welfare Day – Do you have a pet picture you can upload? Are there dogs in your office that could make a heartwarming post? Maybe there is a cause close to your heart that you’d like to share? People love an animal post and what better day to share something than World Animal Welfare Day? 

10th October World Mental Health Day – This is an extremely important day for many, so why not join in on the conversation? Do you have a story you feel comfortable sharing? How about a positive message that you would like to extend to your network, on a day that can be challenging for many? If this is something you’d like to talk about, October 10th is the perfect opportunity. 

16th October World Food Day – I’m already excited about this one! If you’re a foodie like me, why not use this occasion to post a picture of your favourite dish? Ask your network what their favourite food is? Open up a conversation about food, because I bet you will find some like-minded people who are celebrating this day, too. 

24th October Diwali – If you aren’t familiar with Diwali, also known as the festival of lights, it’s one of the major festivals celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and some Buddhists. Do you celebrate Diwali, or know someone who does? If so, saying “Happy Diwali” is a simple and easy way to let someone know you’re thinking of them. This could be accompanied by an image of the stunning scenes at Diwali. 

31st October Halloween – Considering Halloween falls on a Monday this year, why not put out a spooky post? Maybe you’ve got a funny costume picture you’d like to share. Or, you could ask your network what their plans are for Halloween. There are endless possibilities for posts on this day! Make sure you utilise it. 

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Important events to keep in mind for the whole of October…

Black History Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Stoptober, Cyber Security Awareness month and ADHD Awareness Month. 

There are too many events in October to list, but a simple search on Google will tell you all you need to know. If you decide to use any of these key events, don’t be afraid to get creative. Remember, you can use images, videos, articles, polls and more – there are so many ways you can create engaging content and so many reasons to post in October. 

Check back in next month to prepare your content with the key events in November! 

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