The Top Reasons To Attend The Mastering Digital Sales Webcast

Maverrik deliver a variety of workshops and webcast designed to improve your sales output and win more business. Mastering Digital Sales is a free webcast for those with complex and high-value offerings. Here are the top reasons you should attend. 


You Will Learn How To Capture Attention 

Constantly battling for attention online can take a lot of time and energy, especially when you can’t think of what to write. Having to flex those creative muscles to constantly generate some interest doesn’t leave you with much time for the most important elements for selling. However, if you understand how to capture attention with your content and what to post to generate that attention you’ll be able to take a lot of headaches. Within the Mastering Digital Sales webcast we show you how to capture your audience’s attention. 

Learn How To Speak The Language of Your Leads

It takes the right technique to make a conversation go in the right direction. If you don’t know how to speak their language you can alienate yourself. Connecting and pitching doesn’t work, especially when you’ve got an offering that doesn’t fit in a box. What you need is a conversation and one that flows in the right direction. Through the Mastering Digital Sales webcast, we run through this conversational technique, so you will learn how to speak the language of your leads. 

Learn 3 Common Reasons Sales Teams Underperform

There are a number of bad habits you can create during digital sales. From sending messages that burn bridges to losing interest due to ghosting your own network. When your sales team can’t keep up or can’t generate any business online, you can’t blame the market. You have to look at the approach. Maverrik has worked with some of the largest sales teams to improve their sales reach and performance and there are common threads. We’ve uncovered the 3 key common reasons sales teams underperform. 

Find Out How To Properly Support Your Sales Team

Social Selling success can be dependent on several factors. Once you learn how to master those skills you will be able to support your sales team by learning where the sale is going wrong. The results you can generate from mastering digital sales can and will cross-over to your team. Equipping your team with a fool-proof strategy is the best way to grow your team in terms of skill and experience. The techniques and actions we showcase within the webcast can be duplicated for your team where you will be able to achieve ten times the amount of sales or a hundred times depending on the size and capabilities of your team. 

You Will Be Able To Achieve Corporate Sales Using Social Media

As everyone has been made aware of you can generate B2B sales using social media that can sustain and grow a multi-million business. These sales on a corporate level aren’t limited to networking with those in the know. Instead, you can learn how to grow yourself on social platforms and generate conversations that lead to those high-value clients. It can be intimidating when your offering feels complex, but you will be able to achieve corporate sales using social media when you have the right strategy put into place. 
The Mastering Digital Sales Webcast is for high-value sales and business development owners looking to achieve social selling results on the top level. With this free webcast, we are showing you how to start achieving these results. Just Register for Free today.

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