Integrating Your Email Marketing With Social Media Strategies

In this day and age of social selling, you’re highly likely to be utilising email marketing and various social media strategies. They’re a great way to make use of the platforms available to you online in order to promote and sell your products or services. Powerful on their own…imagine what you could achieve in integrating the two together! 

Here are just some of the ways you can combine the two for powerful marketing. 

Create A Following

The first and most crucial step to being successful on social media is to garner followers. This can be difficult to do on its own, so why not run an email campaign to turn your readers into active followers? 

Write a newsletter highlighting perks to following you on LinkedIn or Twitter, for example. It could be a competition that’s only available on the platform or insider tips on your company’s story. When you put direct links to your profile pages in the email, you can track click-through rates and check the analytics on social media to see how effective it was. 

Logo buttons for each platform integrated into emails are always tempting to click on and a much easier way for people to find you. I know I’m unlikely to traipse to each app typing in @handles…

Now, reverse! Promote your email marketing campaign with your social media platforms to boost the number of subscribers and readers. Some platforms allow you to integrate these feature right into your page so it couldn’t be simpler. 

Customise Your Audience 

Got the email addresses of those subscribed to your mailing list? You can target your subscribers with tailored content on both Twitter’s Audience Manager and Facebook’s Audiences to increase the chances of generating a sale. 

Tidy it up first, and then upload your mailing lists to follow your subscribers. This will allow you to interact more closely with them. It’s much easier to target a group of people you know a thing or two about. With your readers incorporated into your social media platforms, you can monitor everything much more efficiently. Amping up customer engagement has never been easier. 

Offer Exclusivity (VIP)

Remember earlier when I mentioned the allure of perks? A great way to create a feeling of exclusivity is to host private groups on social media that only email subscribers get access to. 

Why not set up multiple Facebook groups to funnel your different audiences even further? Make it a place where you offer help or guidance on one particular product or service. Ask people to share their experiences of what they’ve bought from you. Post exclusive announcements, sales, offers or giveaways too. 

Be sure to post content in these groups to encourage engagement and interaction amongst your members! Any user-generated content from these groups can then be shared to promote on your own channels or to entice those yet to subscribe or join the group. 

This will boost your credibility and your reputation making you more appealing to customers.


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