How To Increase Your Visibility On Every Social Media Platform

Each social media platform has a variety of things to offer. But you can increase your visibility of every social platform if you have the right approach to your content. Here are 4 methods that every content marketing specialist uses to increase their reach online. 

LinkedIn Assessment


Probably the simplest way to increase your visibility on social media, but it’s a practice a lot of people get wrong. Tagging dead hashtags, company hashtags, or not using them at all can decrease the value of your posts. You need to be able to tag the audience that will offer the most engagement. The audience will take a genuine interest in your post and will generate a conversation with you. If you use hashtags incorrectly you can attract the wrong audience and leave your content dead in the water. 


Every platform structures its home feeds differently. You can strategically structure your posts for maximum impact. A view is generally counted by a social media platform as a member stopping for 3 seconds on the post. This means you can create linger time and curiosity through the structure of your post. Leaving members to click “see more” will generate engagement, views and will increase your reach on the social platform. 

Stopping Power

What makes you stop scrolling and take notice? Most of the time it’s something eye-catching or something that we’re looking to learn more about. You’re content needs to be able to draw people in. Otherwise, the rest of your message can be lost. Those first few seconds is where stopping power will come into effect. If you want to increase your visibility on social media you need to be able to beat the scroll. 

Three tips to get people to stop scrolling… 

Use people within your images or at the start of videos

Use Bright colours and large text

Peak curiosity with questions. 

Variety of Content

The same style, format, and content won’t give you the same results over time. You need to be versatile in your approach. As platforms grow and develop they will prefer their latest content features over existing ones. There was a time when long-form content would boast the best results, now, short videos, reels, and TikToks have dramatically taken over online. On LinkedIn, Polls have been found to generate the most engagement.

Increasing your visibility on social media isn’t all about posting times and boosting your content with ads. It’s about creating content that raises questions, peaks interest and demands attention. The key goal for a piece of content is to create conversations. Conversations increase visibility, engagement and generate an audience. Which is a key goal for content.


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