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How to Get Clients For a New Business

Are you a new business owner looking to win new clients? Are you struggling to find the best ways to get hold of them? 

It can be challenging to draw in new customers when you first start your new business, but it’s not impossible. 

Here are a few tips to get you on your way to securing new clients: 

LinkedIn Assessment

Ask For Referrals 

Referrals are one of the most effective ways to get new clients. Try implementing a system for actively soliciting referrals from your satisfied customers.


Generate word-of-mouth by participating in networking events relevant to your industry and your customers. Potential clients are more likely to consider recommendations from other clients rather than from your business alone. 

Everyone Loves A Discount

Introductory offers can lure curious customers in by providing a low-risk way to try your products or services. Track which customers redeem the offer, then send them a marketing message encouraging them to keep buying from you.

Improve Your Website 

Consumers and B2B buyers find new businesses primarily by searching online. Give your website a refresh to make sure that the design, content, graphics and SEO are up-to-date.

Partnerships Are Great

Team up with businesses that have a similar customer base, but aren’t your direct competitor, and strategise how you can target each other’s customers to drive new business to each other.

Now’s The Time To Brag 

Publicising your expertise will generate interest amongst potential new customers. You may think that bragging isn’t the best what to get clients for a new business, but knowing your stuff will get you far, so get bragging! 

Online Reviews Can Be Your Best Friend 

New customers are more likely to give your business a try if they see others praising it. Link to reviews on your website to urge customers to check you out.

Participate In Community Events

Most people like to support independent businesses in their communities. It gets your name out there, which helps bring in new customers.

These tips could be the difference between winning new clients for your new business or not getting noticed at all.

So let’s summarise, how can you get clients for a new business? 

  • Ask For Referrals
  • Networking
  • Discounts 
  • Improve Your Website
  • Trial Partnerships
  • Brag About Your Expertise 
  • Make The Most Of Online Reviews
  • Participate In Community Events 

Now you’re ready to start your business off on the right foot and have clients reaching out to you left, right, and centre. 

Use these tips to help you do that, and your excellence and customer service will take over from there — you’ll be converting people into loyal followers before you know it.


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How to get your first 10 clients on LinkedIn

A Step-by-step guide to winning clients on LinkedIn

→ A framework for building a simple compelling offer

→ How to find your ideal clients.

→ Template messages you can adapt for your business.

→ A simple process anyone can use.