How Businesses Can Support the LGBTQ+ Community After Pride

Pride Month is well and truly over. But are you still waving that rainbow flag? If the answer is no, you might want to reconsider your initial intentions. Don’t get me wrong, showing your support for a marginalised community should never be a bad thing. But there is a fine line between showing up for a minority- and showing off in a performative way for financial gain. Is there not an authentic way businesses can support the LGBTQ+ community now pride month is over?  

It all starts with intent. 

Let’s start off with why this performative activism can hurt marginalised communities more than it may actually help them. 

The Damage of Virtual Signalling 

A brand changing its logo for a month or deciding to release a pride collection of its products isn’t an immediate red flag. Although the reason it has become such an eye-roll-inducing practice is because of the formula these actions tend to follow. 

Silent on LGBTQ+ issues, until it comes time to monetise them. And don’t get me wrong- I’m all for raising money in support of marginalised communities. But when huge corporations are cashing in with no evidence that the profit made will go towards supporting these communities- it certainly gets my rainbow flag patterned briefs in a twist, to say the least. 

Cashing in on LGBTQ+ visibility is in itself wrong especially when you’re not putting in the work to dismantle societal prejudice or to stop violence against visibly LGBTQ+ individuals. 

Without naming any names, there have been instances in the past where big corporations have seemingly been publicly supportive of the community, whilst funding anti-lgbtq+ legislation. So I’m sure you can see where the hard feelings arise. 

Pride in the Office

Many businesses use Pride Month as a time to celebrate and show public support for members of their team who are LGBTQ+. This can be done by literally spotlighting those employees most comfortable with being put on display. Or by simply acknowledging that the organisation is supportive of the community, both internally and externally. 

With zero tolerance of any kind of discrimination or derogatory behaviour towards marginalised communities. 

This not only allows a safe working environment for people. It also makes for a more inclusive and comfortable dynamic and workplace for all involved. If people feel comfortable, safe and respected, they’re more likely to perform at their best anyway. 

Acknowledge the History – Do your homework 

It all starts with educating yourself and those you work with. If you’re profiting from the community in any capacity, but don’t know the bare minimum on LGBTQ+ history, then you might have a problem on your hands. Not only does it make you look bad, but it shows a level of disrespect to the community you are otherwise exploiting. 

Here are some ways to support the LGBTQ+ community authentically and without glamorising exploitation: 
  • Hire an LGBTQ+ speaker 
  • Print out leaflets or flyers re: LGBTQ+ history 
  • Provide Inclusion and Diversity Training as standard 
  • Operate with Zero Tolerance for discrimination of any kind
  • Donate to non-profit causes that support the community 

When it comes to championing and supporting any marginalised group, it’s important to let them set the pace. 

Don’t mimic their voices. Amplify them. 

Everyone is on a different journey with their identity so it is also important to note that not all members of the community even wish to acknowledge Pride. It’s important to respect boundaries and the above are all things you can do without having to wear your LGBTQ+ staff like some sort of inclusivity badge. 

Businesses can and should support the LGBTQ community now Pride Month is over. 

Why save all the fun for June anyway? 

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