4 Ways To Establish Trust on Social Media

Robot accounts, deep fakes and cries of fake news. Online social media has been hard to trust as of late, so it makes it harder for businesses to appear trustworthy. These are a few ways you can establish trust in your social media. 

Verify Your Accounts

If you’re new to social media, make sure that you give the platforms enough information to show that you are who you say you are. Confirm the email addresses, phone numbers and addresses. You can hide them later for security reasons. Once you’ve gained enough followers and the account has been opened for a while you can contact the platform to verify your account. This could come in the form of a blue tick, made famous by Twitter or simply a badge of authenticity. 

Keep The Account Active

If an account is constantly being updated with company updates and industry news it looks a lot more authentic than a barren account. A good rule is to check the page yourself and ask yourself “would I trust this?”. If the answer is no, then you need to pick it apart yourself. Most of the time it can be attributed to a lack of time put into the account.  You can remedy this by posting content, engaging with people asking questions and increasing your number of positive reviews. 

Encourage Your Team To Interact 

If you boast a small or large team, encourage them to get involved with your business social media accounts. You can’t dictate what they say, but if they are happy and motivated it’ll show in their engagement and shine a brighter light on the company as a whole. A simple like and/or positive comment can go a long way. It shows your business has a good environment and your team is passionate about what they do. This is good for business and will help establish trust in your social media account. 

Have Great Reviews

Reviews and testimonials are a key part of establishing trust of your social media. It shows that someone has been a part of your world and came out happy with what they saw. If you’re lacking reviews and testimonials don’t be afraid to approach past clients and ask for a recommendation online. 

The second thing I look at when purchasing anything online is to check the reviews. So it’s important to make sure they are accurate and flattering. You can’t fudge reviews! It will harm the authenticity of your brand tenfold if you have hundreds of one-day-old accounts praising your company. Keep your reviews and recommendations real. 

If you’re looking to change your image online, you need to be authentic in your approach. Don’t waste time with cheap tactics for figures as those numbers won’t help you as much as you think. They won’t lead to more business. What you need is genuine organic interest being brought to a real account that is brimming with activity and positive comments. Any leads brought in from these pages will then already see your business in a positive light. 


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