4 Sales Conversation Starters Anyone Can Use

Getting sales through social channels can be a little like the wild west, but only in the case that anyone with a good strategy can make it.  Here are 4 sales conversations starters anyone can use to get prospects on a call. 


Conversation Starter #1: The Thank You

There is nothing wrong with thanking someone for connecting with you. There is no pressure to respond and you’ve already touched base. The thank-you should never come with a caveat. You can thank people for sharing content, connecting with you, or joining your webinars. If you phrase your thanks correctly it can lead to a sales conversation and the start of a new client relationship. 

Conversation Starter #2: The Information Pass

A business’s social media platform needs to be about sharing information, value, and inspiring people to get on board with your message. Information moves and changes so frequently today it can be impossible to see everything. Your connections will appreciate a heads-up on some relevant news that relates to them. Even if they’ve seen the information before passing on information is a great sales conversation starter. 

Conversation Starter #3: The Endorsement

A simple way to begin a conversation is to endorse your network. LinkedIn Endorsements, google, and Trustpilot reviews will ensure you appear in front of your prospects. It’s an aggressive tactic to make sure you have some form of relationship with your prospects before endorsing them. Endorsements out of the blue feel weird and unnatural. When a conversation doesn’t feel natural it usually doesn’t last that long. Online it’s easier and easier to ignore people, so make sure the conversation flows.

Conversation Starter #4: The Call

This is the risky one, and you shouldn’t do it cold. This is simply a straightforward message… “Hello John, thanks for being a connection. I’d love to give you a call, are you free on Tuesday?” This can be paired up with a valuable piece that you can talk through your prospects with. Like a whitepaper, review, or valuable information you’ve learned. 

There you have it, 4 simple sales conversation starters anyone can use. This is a collection that works only alongside a good social media strategy. With content, prospecting, and optimising all playing a part. So make sure you’re strategy is sound and your leads are primed before trying to start any conversation with your prospects. If you want more templates and strategies for messaging your prospects download our DM playbook.

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