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Empower your team with impactful social selling strategies and lead generation techniques

The Three Phases: Onboarding, Workshops & Training, Full Implementation

Sales Velocity commences with a comprehensive analysis and audit of your team’s personal profiles,
existing sales process, and customer base. This enables Maverrik to optimise the team’s profiles, ensuring maximum effectiveness when initiating the outreach process.

Through targeted communication across social and digital channels, you will learn how to effectively convey your unique value proposition by understanding and identifying the prospects who
are in need of you…

We go beyond traditional lead generation methods by guiding your sales team through generating their own leads and opportunities using content that resonates with prospects and creates inbound interest.

Additionally, you will gain insights into direct messaging strategies that facilitate engaging conversations with prospects, resulting in more productive sales calls.

Building a consistent and sustainable sales pipeline is crucial for long-term success, and our programme ensures your team masters strategic attracting, nurturing, and closing through social.


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Phase 1 is our onboarding process, where we will explore your team’s position, strategy and focus.

We’ll take the insights from this process and create a training plan for your sales team, which will be a roadmap to build a successful, robust pipeline.

Profile Audit

We’ll uncover what works and strip away common mistakes that can occur on your accounts. This will give your team effective landing pages for prospects to learn more about your business and make enquiries through their personal profiles.

The right profile showcases expertise and adds social proof to your outreach. New leads will learn about your business, understand the value you bring and have a point of contact from the profile. This removes common objections in your outreach, streamlining your sales process, strengthening your outreach and increasing response rates.

Identifying Key Accounts

By establishing a key account list, we can develop an effective strategy that aligns with your business goals. This targeted approach allows us to choose the best methods for attracting, developing, and converting these key accounts. Over time, this list will grow and evolve, leading your team to acquire a roster of valuable clients that generate the highest returns within your sales process.

By focusing on these key accounts, we can maximise your sales efforts and achieve long-term success in your business.

Sales Process

Incorporating Social Selling into your sales process can significantly enhance your sales velocity without compromising your existing strategies. By harnessing the power of social platforms, particularly LinkedIn, you can strengthen your sales process by building meaningful relationships with your prospects. This approach allows you to create multiple touchpoints with your leads, effectively priming them for a conversation.

Social selling simplifies outreach, making it more natural and engaging for both your sales team and prospects. It acts as a powerful tool that leads to larger deals, fewer objections, and a streamlined pipeline. The objective of the programme is to incorporate LinkedIn into the sales process, not as a substitute for other sales activities, but as a means to enhance them. This integration provides the team with an additional avenue for prospecting success.

Workshops and Training

This is about upskilling your team at pace. Our intensive workshops provide your team with fundamental knowledge, covering key strategies, techniques, and best practices. Your team will develop the technique and gain the knowledge to fully implement your training plan.

1:1 Coaching Sessions

Our 1:1 coaching sessions will equip your team with the tools and knowledge to enhance your company’s online presence and propel your team forward.

eLearning Resources

Every coaching session is recorded and accompanied by additional resources for your team to fall back on for reminders of actions, features and strategies. The Velocity programme will grant access to our complete updated library of training materials, giving your team tutorials that can be reviewed anytime.

Complete Support

Our expert trainers provide straightforward technical support, ensuring that your team has all the necessary skills to excel on LinkedIn, covering every aspect of its powerful features. Every member of your team will be brought up to speed with LinkedIn, empowering them to book more calls and exceed their targets.

Business Development with Sales Navigator

Optimising Sales Navigator is the key to your sales strategy. Your team will effortlessly create organic conversations with prospects, paving the way for meaningful connections and sales opportunities. With the integration of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) into your marketing and sales approach, Sales Navigator enables you to focus your efforts on high-value accounts, resulting in more targeted and effective outreach whilst also utilising key features such as buying intent data. This will allow the team to target accounts that have a higher success rate.


In phase 3, it’s time to fully incorporate the refined strategy across your sales team. We will review your sales team’s activities to highlight opportunities, areas of improvement and scalability – enabling your team to generate more business on LinkedIn.

The programme implementation encompasses weekly training sessions that prioritise actionable tasks, enabling your team to take incremental steps towards closing their next prospect.

Additionally, each week will feature a group review session, providing an opportunity for the team to evaluate their weekly activities and ensure optimal results. This platform also allows team members to share their own techniques and best practices, fostering collective progress and growth within the entire group.

Social Selling Activities

By personalising communication, these campaigns increase engagement and conversion rates.

Webinars provide a platform for showcasing expertise, educating prospects, and building trust. Lead magnets capture contact information and nurture leads. Live events allow face-to-face interaction, connection building, and product or service demonstrations.

By integrating these activities, your team will engage effectively with their leads, and drive sales through natural conversation starters.

Team Goal-Setting Sessions

Setting team goals plays a pivotal role in driving sales across LinkedIn. By establishing clear objectives and targets, team members can align their efforts, maximise their potential, and achieve collective success. Through effective goal-setting, teams can leverage the power of LinkedIn’s vast network to expand their reach, build meaningful connections, and generate quality leads in their chosen sectors. These sessions are essential for accountability, expanding your sales pipeline and moving the sales process forward collectively.

1:1 Coaching (on-demand)

As a part of the programme, the sales team will have unlimited access to on-demand 1:1 sales and LinkedIn coaching. This valuable resource can be utilised as needed, without any limitations on support. The purpose of the 1:1 coaching sessions is to address individual challenges that can be tailored to various sales roles, objectives, and target accounts. These sessions enable the sales team to not only learn about LinkedIn but also gain valuable insights from the coach’s personal experiences, which can significantly enhance their overall sales strategy.

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